Friday, November 14, 2014

Chloe looking ugly!!!

This is a weird little selfie that Khloe Kardashian took, what with the way you can only see part of her face and none of her fashions, but you know what? We don't need to see anything more to know that this look is completely and totally unacceptable.

Look at them lips, you guys. Really just study them for a moment. Those Kardashians and their dang expandable lips, right? Their lips just have that strange ability, I guess, to get bigger and bigger, and then a little bit bigger than that. It's a strange phenomenon, but don't let that overtake your experience of this selfie. No, also be sure to check out the grill that lies past the lips. After that, we won't make you look any further.

It's just ... how hard is it to not look completely ridiculous? Is that really so difficult? Just will your lips to maintain a normal human size and don't stick a bunch of metal or gold or whatever in your mouth. That's all Khloe would have had to do here to look lovely instead of looking like whatever this is.

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